Fire Alarm Systems - What You Should Know!

Do you plan on investing in a fire alarm system? If so, it’s important to know a few key features including what they do, how they work, and how to keep it properly maintained. Outlined below are a some of the fundamental building blocks that will help guide you in making the right decision on whether or not a fire alarm system is right for you. What Do Fire Alarm Systems Detect? The sole purpose of a fire alarm system is to detect key signs of a fire; whether that be smoke or high heat. They even have the ability to sense very small flames and escalating temperatures which may lead to a fire. What Does a Fire Alarm System Include? A fire alarm system is comprised of various components which, when working together, form a network of communication. Some examples include control panel’s, initiating devices, notification devices, sealed batteries etc . Initiating devices detect the fire emergency and send out a loud alert notifyin...